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BAG positively evaluates the government's decision to postpone the change of the new technical regulations in the "Construction Site Safety Rules" | Soso Pkhakadze

BAG positively evaluates the government's decision to postpone the change of the new technical regulations in the "Construction Site Safety Rules" | Soso Pkhakadze

28-02-2023 17:55:00

The Georgian Business Association positively evaluates the government's decision to postpone the changes made to the technical regulations of the "Building Safety Rules".

The approved changes included the perimeter determination for fire and rescue equipment to access buildings and constructions, as well as the establishment of the fireground arrangement standard for high-rise buildings.

The Georgian Business Association held a number of working meetings with the government representatives in order to take into account the objective and fair interests of the construction and development industry, since the adopted changes and new regulations caused significant damage to the sector.

It is significant that the changed circumstances created legal problems, both within the framework of the administrative proceedings, as well as in the direction of the development of the plots of land purchased under investment terms. As a result, the implementation of the new regulations was postponed until the end of the year.

During this period, the Georgian Business Association, in agreement with government agencies, will select a highly reputable consulting company, which will develop a national standard adapted to the reality of Georgia, which will be in line with and take into account the best international practices.

The above-mentioned standard, in turn, will ensure security protection and, at the same time, smooth production of development activities.

"The Georgian Business Association positively evaluates the decision of the Government of Georgia regarding the postponement of the changes made to the technical regulations, since consideration of the objective and fair interests of the business sector will bring more economic benefits and good to both the business and the country.

We hope that through coordinated work, we will be able to implement such a standard that will ensure the interests of all interested parties. In addition, we have already started the selection/evaluation procedures of the consulting company" - states the president of the Georgian Business Association, Soso Pkhakadze.


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